After-Death Communications
~ Joyful Contacts By Deceased Loved Ones ~
© 2017 by Bill Guggenheim & Judy Guggenheim
authors of Hello From Heaven! published by Bantam Books
authors of Hello From Heaven! published by Bantam Books
In 1977 we learned about remarkable experiences that often occur after a loved one has died. Though they have been reported throughout history, no one had ever given them a name or studied them systematically. We named these experiences “After-Death Communications” or "ADCs." We began our research in 1988 by interviewing people who replied “Yes” to our question, “Have you been contacted by a loved one who has died?”
An after-death communication − or ADC − is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. An ADC is a direct experience because no third parties such as psychics, mediums, therapists, rituals, or devices are involved. An ADC is a spontaneous event because our deceased loved ones always choose when, where, and how they will contact us. ADCs can happen anytime and anywhere.
During our seven years of research, we interviewed 2,000+ people and collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts of after-death communication. We conservatively estimate that at least 60 million Americans, or 1 out of 5 people, have had one or more ADC experiences. Recent polls indicate the actual number may exceed 125 million people − or more than 40% of the American population.
Based upon our research, the following are the twelve most frequent types of after-death communication experiences people report having with their deceased loved ones. Though these are written about separately, they may occur together in a variety of combinations.
Sensing A Presence: This is the most common form of contact. But many people discount these experiences, thinking, “Oh, I’m just imagining this.” It’s a distinct feeling that your loved one is nearby, even though he or she can’t be seen or heard. Though most often felt during the days and weeks immediately after the death, you may sense his or her presence months and even years later. Very likely they want to communicate with you verbally.
Hearing A Voice: Some people state they hear an external voice, the same as when another person is speaking to them. However, the majority of communications are by telepathy – you hear the voice of your relative or friend in your mind. When you have two-way communication, it is usually by telepathy. In fact, it’s possible to have a long series of conversations this way. Telepathic communication is like using an "inner telephone."
Feeling A Touch: You may feel your loved one touch you with his or her hand, or place an arm around your shoulders or back, for comfort and reassurance. You may feel a tap, a pat, a caress, a stroke, a kiss, or even a hug. Of course, these are all forms of affection, nurturing, and love.
Smelling A Fragrance: You may smell your relative’s or friend’s favorite cologne, after-shave lotion, or perfume. Other common aromas are: flowers (especially roses), bath powders, tobacco products, favorite foods, and his or her personal scent.
Visual Experiences: There are a wide variety of visual experiences, which we have divided into two broad categories: partial visual and full visual ADCs. Appearances range from “a transparent mist” to “absolutely solid” with many gradations in between. You may see only the head and shoulders of your relative or friend, or someone you love may make a full appearance to you, and you will see their entire body, which may appear completely solid.
Some visual ADCs occur in the bedroom, next to or at the foot of the bed. Others may happen anywhere – indoors or outdoors – even in a car, a boat, or a plane. Typically he or she will be expressing love and well being with a radiant smile. Your deceased loved ones almost always appear healed and whole regardless of their cause of death. Verbal communication may also take place, but not always.
Visions: You may see an image of a deceased loved one in a “picture” that is either two-dimensional and flat or three-dimensional like a hologram. It’s like seeing a 35 mm slide or a movie suspended in the air. Visions are usually in radiant colors and may be seen externally with your eyes open or internally in your mind. Communication may occur, especially while you are meditating or in deep prayer. When you have an ADC vision, you are seeing into the spirit realm.
Twilight Experiences: These occur in the alpha state – while you’re falling asleep, waking up, meditating, or praying. You may have any or all of the above types of experiences when you are in this state of consciousness.
ADC Experiences While Asleep: Sleep-state ADCs or visitation dreams are much more vivid, intense, colorful, and real than ordinary dreams. They are very common. Both one-way and two-way communications are typical. You feel your loved one is with you in person – that you’re having an actual visit together – because you are. These experiences are not jumbled, filled with symbols, or fragmented the way regular dreams are.
Sleep-state ADCs are similar to ADCs that occur when you are wide awake. Your relative or friend can contact you more easily, however, while you are relaxed, open, and receptive, such as when you are in the alpha state or asleep.
Out-Of-Body ADCs: OBE ADCs take place while you are asleep or in a meditative state. They are dramatic experiences during which you leave your body and visit your loved one, nearby or at a distance, somewhere on Earth. Or you may travel to the place or level where he or she exists. Those locations are extremely vivid, intense, and real – some people say, “more real than physical life.” The environments of the spiritual realm usually contain beautiful flowers, colorful bushes and trees, radiant lighting, other lovely aspects of nature, and magnificent buildings – and they are filled with happiness, love, peace, and joy.
Telephone Calls: These ADCs occur while you are sleeping or when you are wide awake. You will hear a phone ringing, and if you answer it, your loved one will give you a short message. Two-way conversations are possible. His or her voice will usually be clear, but may sound far away. If you are awake when the call is completed, it will seem like the line has been severed, and you will not hear a disconnect click or a dial tone.
Physical Phenomena: People who are bereaved often report receiving a wide variety of physical signs from their deceased relative or friend, such as: lights or lamps blinking on and off; lights, radios, stereos, televisions, toys, and mechanical objects being turned on; photographs, pictures, and various other items being turned over or moved; and a long list of “things that go bump in the night.” The list of possible ADC signs involving physical phenomena is limitless.
Symbolic ADCs: People frequently ask a Higher Power, the universe, or their deceased loved one for a sign that he or she still exists. Many receive such a sign, though it may take a while to arrive. Occasionally these signs are so subtle they may be missed, or they may be discounted as mere “coincidences.” Common signs include: butterflies; rainbows; many species of birds and animals; flowers; and finding numerous kinds of objects, such as coins, feathers, and pictures, etc. Symbolic ADCs are very common, and they are reported frequently.
According to our research, the purpose of these visits and signs by those who have died is to offer comfort, reassurance, and hope to their parents, spouse, siblings, children, grandchildren, other family members, and friends. They want you to know they’re still alive, and that you'll be reunited with them, when it’s your time to leave this physical life on earth. They’ll be there to meet you and greet you when you make your own transition. Their most frequent messages, expressed verbally or non-verbally include:
An after-death communication − or ADC − is a spiritual experience that occurs when a person is contacted directly and spontaneously by a family member or friend who has died. An ADC is a direct experience because no third parties such as psychics, mediums, therapists, rituals, or devices are involved. An ADC is a spontaneous event because our deceased loved ones always choose when, where, and how they will contact us. ADCs can happen anytime and anywhere.
During our seven years of research, we interviewed 2,000+ people and collected more than 3,300 firsthand accounts of after-death communication. We conservatively estimate that at least 60 million Americans, or 1 out of 5 people, have had one or more ADC experiences. Recent polls indicate the actual number may exceed 125 million people − or more than 40% of the American population.
Based upon our research, the following are the twelve most frequent types of after-death communication experiences people report having with their deceased loved ones. Though these are written about separately, they may occur together in a variety of combinations.
Sensing A Presence: This is the most common form of contact. But many people discount these experiences, thinking, “Oh, I’m just imagining this.” It’s a distinct feeling that your loved one is nearby, even though he or she can’t be seen or heard. Though most often felt during the days and weeks immediately after the death, you may sense his or her presence months and even years later. Very likely they want to communicate with you verbally.
Hearing A Voice: Some people state they hear an external voice, the same as when another person is speaking to them. However, the majority of communications are by telepathy – you hear the voice of your relative or friend in your mind. When you have two-way communication, it is usually by telepathy. In fact, it’s possible to have a long series of conversations this way. Telepathic communication is like using an "inner telephone."
Feeling A Touch: You may feel your loved one touch you with his or her hand, or place an arm around your shoulders or back, for comfort and reassurance. You may feel a tap, a pat, a caress, a stroke, a kiss, or even a hug. Of course, these are all forms of affection, nurturing, and love.
Smelling A Fragrance: You may smell your relative’s or friend’s favorite cologne, after-shave lotion, or perfume. Other common aromas are: flowers (especially roses), bath powders, tobacco products, favorite foods, and his or her personal scent.
Visual Experiences: There are a wide variety of visual experiences, which we have divided into two broad categories: partial visual and full visual ADCs. Appearances range from “a transparent mist” to “absolutely solid” with many gradations in between. You may see only the head and shoulders of your relative or friend, or someone you love may make a full appearance to you, and you will see their entire body, which may appear completely solid.
Some visual ADCs occur in the bedroom, next to or at the foot of the bed. Others may happen anywhere – indoors or outdoors – even in a car, a boat, or a plane. Typically he or she will be expressing love and well being with a radiant smile. Your deceased loved ones almost always appear healed and whole regardless of their cause of death. Verbal communication may also take place, but not always.
Visions: You may see an image of a deceased loved one in a “picture” that is either two-dimensional and flat or three-dimensional like a hologram. It’s like seeing a 35 mm slide or a movie suspended in the air. Visions are usually in radiant colors and may be seen externally with your eyes open or internally in your mind. Communication may occur, especially while you are meditating or in deep prayer. When you have an ADC vision, you are seeing into the spirit realm.
Twilight Experiences: These occur in the alpha state – while you’re falling asleep, waking up, meditating, or praying. You may have any or all of the above types of experiences when you are in this state of consciousness.
ADC Experiences While Asleep: Sleep-state ADCs or visitation dreams are much more vivid, intense, colorful, and real than ordinary dreams. They are very common. Both one-way and two-way communications are typical. You feel your loved one is with you in person – that you’re having an actual visit together – because you are. These experiences are not jumbled, filled with symbols, or fragmented the way regular dreams are.
Sleep-state ADCs are similar to ADCs that occur when you are wide awake. Your relative or friend can contact you more easily, however, while you are relaxed, open, and receptive, such as when you are in the alpha state or asleep.
Out-Of-Body ADCs: OBE ADCs take place while you are asleep or in a meditative state. They are dramatic experiences during which you leave your body and visit your loved one, nearby or at a distance, somewhere on Earth. Or you may travel to the place or level where he or she exists. Those locations are extremely vivid, intense, and real – some people say, “more real than physical life.” The environments of the spiritual realm usually contain beautiful flowers, colorful bushes and trees, radiant lighting, other lovely aspects of nature, and magnificent buildings – and they are filled with happiness, love, peace, and joy.
Telephone Calls: These ADCs occur while you are sleeping or when you are wide awake. You will hear a phone ringing, and if you answer it, your loved one will give you a short message. Two-way conversations are possible. His or her voice will usually be clear, but may sound far away. If you are awake when the call is completed, it will seem like the line has been severed, and you will not hear a disconnect click or a dial tone.
Physical Phenomena: People who are bereaved often report receiving a wide variety of physical signs from their deceased relative or friend, such as: lights or lamps blinking on and off; lights, radios, stereos, televisions, toys, and mechanical objects being turned on; photographs, pictures, and various other items being turned over or moved; and a long list of “things that go bump in the night.” The list of possible ADC signs involving physical phenomena is limitless.
Symbolic ADCs: People frequently ask a Higher Power, the universe, or their deceased loved one for a sign that he or she still exists. Many receive such a sign, though it may take a while to arrive. Occasionally these signs are so subtle they may be missed, or they may be discounted as mere “coincidences.” Common signs include: butterflies; rainbows; many species of birds and animals; flowers; and finding numerous kinds of objects, such as coins, feathers, and pictures, etc. Symbolic ADCs are very common, and they are reported frequently.
According to our research, the purpose of these visits and signs by those who have died is to offer comfort, reassurance, and hope to their parents, spouse, siblings, children, grandchildren, other family members, and friends. They want you to know they’re still alive, and that you'll be reunited with them, when it’s your time to leave this physical life on earth. They’ll be there to meet you and greet you when you make your own transition. Their most frequent messages, expressed verbally or non-verbally include:
“I’m okay … I’m fine … Everything is okay … I’m happy … Don’t worry about me …
Don’t grieve for me … Everything will be all right … Go on with your life …
I’m sorry … Please forgive … Thank you … I’ll always be there for you …
I’m watching over you … I’ll see you again … I love you … Good-bye …”
Don’t grieve for me … Everything will be all right … Go on with your life …
I’m sorry … Please forgive … Thank you … I’ll always be there for you …
I’m watching over you … I’ll see you again … I love you … Good-bye …”
Are ADC experiences authentic contacts by your deceased loved ones or are they merely “grief-induced hallucinations” based upon wish fulfillment, imagination, magical thinking, fantasies, or memories? Hello From Heaven! contains six chapters, which prove ADCs are real:
ADCs Before The News: Many of the people we interviewed reported having an ADC with their loved one before they learned of his or her sudden or unexpected death. Of course they would not have been grieving at the time they had their ADC experience.
ADCs Years Later: Other people had an ADC 5, 10, 20, 30 or more years after the death of their loved one. Presumably they were no longer in grief that many years later.
Evidential ADCs: Many ADC experiences are “evidential” because they revealed specific information the people did not know – and could not have known – before their ADCs occurred.
ADCs For Protection and Suicide Intervention: In these accounts, a person’s life was protected or saved by an ADC. This includes some people who were planning to die by suicide.
ADCs With A Witness: Occasionally, two or more people were together at the same place and the same time, when they shared an ADC experience.
Almost all after-death communications provide comfort, hope, and healing, especially to those who are grieving or are afraid of death. Most ADCs reduce the intensity of the experiencer’s grief, and they shorten the duration of his or her bereavement.
Unfortunately, some people react with fear when they have an ADC. This is usually because they are startled by the suddenness of the event, or they may have never heard of one happening to anyone else. Those people may assume they are “losing their mind” or “going crazy.” Others find it difficult to reconcile the possibility of after-death communication with their philosophical or religious beliefs. We encourage you to trust your own experiences and to accept them as being real for you.
Our research indicates after-death communications are so prevalent, they should be regarded as a natural and normal part of life. We believe ADCs deserve the same public attention that near-death experiences (NDEs) have been receiving since 1975.
Hello From Heaven! is the first book that was written about after-death communication experiences, and it founded the field of ADC research. It contains 353 firsthand ADC accounts written in the experiencers' own words − and each one is a complete short story.
After-death communication experiences provide convincing, modern-day evidence for life after death. They confirm that when our body dies, we simply make a transition from this physical world to a continuing existence in the spiritual realm. There we can expect to have loving reunions with our deceased relatives and friends, who can and do communicate with us now.
ADCs Before The News: Many of the people we interviewed reported having an ADC with their loved one before they learned of his or her sudden or unexpected death. Of course they would not have been grieving at the time they had their ADC experience.
ADCs Years Later: Other people had an ADC 5, 10, 20, 30 or more years after the death of their loved one. Presumably they were no longer in grief that many years later.
Evidential ADCs: Many ADC experiences are “evidential” because they revealed specific information the people did not know – and could not have known – before their ADCs occurred.
ADCs For Protection and Suicide Intervention: In these accounts, a person’s life was protected or saved by an ADC. This includes some people who were planning to die by suicide.
ADCs With A Witness: Occasionally, two or more people were together at the same place and the same time, when they shared an ADC experience.
Almost all after-death communications provide comfort, hope, and healing, especially to those who are grieving or are afraid of death. Most ADCs reduce the intensity of the experiencer’s grief, and they shorten the duration of his or her bereavement.
Unfortunately, some people react with fear when they have an ADC. This is usually because they are startled by the suddenness of the event, or they may have never heard of one happening to anyone else. Those people may assume they are “losing their mind” or “going crazy.” Others find it difficult to reconcile the possibility of after-death communication with their philosophical or religious beliefs. We encourage you to trust your own experiences and to accept them as being real for you.
Our research indicates after-death communications are so prevalent, they should be regarded as a natural and normal part of life. We believe ADCs deserve the same public attention that near-death experiences (NDEs) have been receiving since 1975.
Hello From Heaven! is the first book that was written about after-death communication experiences, and it founded the field of ADC research. It contains 353 firsthand ADC accounts written in the experiencers' own words − and each one is a complete short story.
After-death communication experiences provide convincing, modern-day evidence for life after death. They confirm that when our body dies, we simply make a transition from this physical world to a continuing existence in the spiritual realm. There we can expect to have loving reunions with our deceased relatives and friends, who can and do communicate with us now.
ADCs consistently affirm an essential spiritual message:
“Life and love are eternal.”